Kicking it, the Muay Thai way

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I have been training Traditional Muay Thai (Thai kick boxing) for 3 years now. It’s a brutal sport, and I have the scars to prove it. It’s also a very rewarding activity for me.

I train at “Sit Rama Soon” (English Translation: Students of Rama Soon), under the direction of Kru Jay and Kru Joey. Both are former champion Muay Thai fighters from Thailand. Recently my coaches started posting videos of training sessions that they have filmed over the years, including this video of me teaching a new student how to throw a proper muay thai kick. I was unaware of my coaches filming this.


What I am trying to show here is that the kick is more like a baseball swing, and your knee and hip placement are more important then your lower leg. You can almost think of your lower leg and foot as the end of a whip.


How to throw a Muay Thai kick:

  1. Step in with your lead leg, turning your foot to a 45 degree angle
  2. Lift your rear leg, elevating your knee to the desired height
  3. As your leg raises, drop the same arm (right leg up – right arm down)
  4. Point your toes down (stand on your toes of the planted foot, point toes of the kicking foot)
  5. Turn your hips hard into the direction of the target, your hips should be verticle in impact
  6. Point your knee to the opposite side of the target (imagine the target isnt even there)
  7. Your shin should land on the target, NOT YOUR FOOT.
  8. Once the kick lands, push hard into the target
  9. Return to your fighting stance

It’s a lot of steps, but once you can make it all one solid flowing motion its a very powerful weapon. A good thai kick often has more striking power then a baseball bat.
