Colorado Trip

I have been so busy lately, I keep meaning to post here, but I always forget. I'll try to improve on that.

On Jan 14th, I took off work and Amy and I flew to Colorado to hang out with
Chad and Marie. The flight went by quickly. Amy And I were both reading "the 5
languages of love". We landed in Denver safely. It was 6 degrees when we landed, a far cry from the 65 degrees in California when we left. Chad had an incoming flight from DC, so we waited for him in the airport, then headed to his house.

I�ve driven through Colorado before, on the way to hellfest last June, but it was dark. On the way home through Colorado, I was asleep most of the time. Either way, I never really got to see how crazy it is there. Lots of open land, lots of snow on the ground, huge mountains, it was really awesome.

Speaking of awesome. Chad and Maries house is off the hook! Seriously on of the nicest houses I have been in. I can only dream that my place is that nice one-day. Their back yard is pretty much a wild life preserve. As far as my eyes could see, it is preserved land that won�t be developed ever. I saw some birds and some coyotes out there.

Chad and Maries kids are the bomb. Usually I don�t like kids that much, but this wasn�t the case at all. It was fun to hang out with them. Andrew is ruff as they come. In the 3 days we were there, I personally saw him fall over and hit his head on the hardwood floor at least 4 times, I saw him fall down a few steps of the stairs, and I saw him run, trip and land on his elbows more times then I can remember. If I took damage like that on a daily basis, I would be in a wheel
chair for sure. The girls had this awesome set of kids� computer games that taught them spelling, math, and other things. They spent hours playing it and learning things. I hope to have my kids involved in something like that one day, It way better then watching TV, and I was surprised how cool the games were. I guess it proves there is a world of computer software out there that is under my radar.

Amy and I didn�t go out much, not because of the cold weather, but because of the purpose of our visit. Chad is going to marry Amy and I, and before doing so,
Chad and Marie wanted to do some pre-marital stuff with us. Basically we just
talked about expectations, and how to work with difficulties that we may face. It was really rad and useful. I know that my marriage with Amy is going to be a good one.

While we were there, Aaron and Amy along with their kids and Holly came to see us. It was like the bible study at Chad�s house 2 years ago all over again.

On Sunday we went to their church. It was out of control, but in a really good way. Once worship started, and the 40+-member choir took stage, It was clear to
me that I had never been in a church like this one. People were so fired up, singing and dancing, jumping up and down. Old ladies, little boys, the pastor, everyone. The closest thing that I can compare it to is a really amazing show, where EVERYONE there is 100% interested and captivated by the band, and everyone knows the music and words… basically an AFI show (if you have been to one, you know what I mean). The energy in the room was electric, it made the hair on my hair stand on end. It was amazing. The pastor would strut back and forth on the stage preaching his message, and people would yell things like "AMEN!", "PREACH IT!", "GO ON PASTOR!", "MMMMHUMM!". I don�t think the guy really needed to use a microphone, he was so fired up, he just shouted the message. It was a really cool experience. It was a far cry from the Catholic Church that I went to as a little kid. I�m glad that Chad and Marie have found a good church to plug into.

The trip home went by fast. I sat next to this raver/hipop/early 90's punk kid on the plane. His iPod headphones were so loud; I could hear all the music he was listening to. From really crappy techno to voodoo glow skulls to some ska. It was a really odd combo of tunes. To each his own. I passed the time by drawing on the people in the in-flight magazine. I gave a bunch of the people black eyes and bloody noses, mohawks, piercings, Frankenstein neck bolts, etc. Yeah I know it wasn�t something a 25 year old should do, but I just cant help laughing knowing that someone is going to pick that up and read it. haha!

The weekend was awesome.