Tribute CDs can suck it

I'll be the first one to admit that I love AFI. I have been a huge fan of them since 1996.
I was cruising around the internet today when I came across a tribute to AFI. I thought cool, I'll check it out. WORST IDEA EVER!

This tribute possibly the biggest pile of crap that I have ever put into my ears. It was like a train wreck. I knew that it wasnt good, but I couldnt stop. Davey may have a feminine look going these days, but his songs are not girly pop songs. 90% of the songs on this tribute are sang by girls, with a poppy version of the song behind it. what the hell!

other tribute cds that I have checked out over the years and have also sucked:
Along the way – a Tribute to Bad Religion
Take Warning – The songs of operation Ivy

When will I learn to stop checking out tribute cds to my favorite bands? If anything I guess it makes me appreciate the original band that much more.