
On Wednesday little ryan called me and told me to go to the coffee shop for open mic night, Loomis and him were going to play an acoustic set of punk rock songs. Sounds like a good time to me.

Amy and I rolled into stell at 8. Keller was working, that was cool. The guys playing wernt that good, but they were "music" guys. You know the guys that take them selves WAYYYYYY to seriously, and whos career highlight is playing open mic night at a coffee shop for other "music guys". At 9:30 they let Ryan and Loomis take their turn.

They started with "rancid – roots radical". It was a solid song. Loomis did good on the guitar, and ryan sang it well. Next was "operation ivy – take warning", that came out good as well. Both of the songs have a reggae up beat to them. Ryan said that they had two more to play, and the guy running it corrected him… "Only One More". They played "rise against – pints of guinness make you strong". That song was the best i think.

After they finished, they brought back up one of the "serious" musicians to play… for a 3rd set of the night. Acoustics punk rock gets less then 10 minutes, and this ass gets 3 sets? how far is that? screw open mic night! They played legit music, in my honest opinion it was world better then some guy "jamming" on his ultra nice guitar that has never seen a real stage. I know they got kicked off stage because of what it was, despite the fact that ryan was really singing, not yelling or shouting, and loomis wasnt some master at the guitar. Oh well.

After that we all came back to my house for a rousing 5 hour game of monopoly. At 2am, Loomis was able to eliminate Amy from the game, by holding all the property on the board. Monopoly is great fun, to bad it takes half a day to play a solid game. I want to make it a weekly event.