I lit my kitchen on fire!

Wow, sorry for the lack of updates. The last week has been really busy for me.

On Tuesday, Amy got a call from Loma Linda Childrens hospital. They offered her a job. The Best part is that she put in her 2 weeks notice at starbucks about an hour before loma linda called. Talk about being looked out for by someone. She doesnt start her new job until February. Until then, Amy is going to be the EBay queen. We have so much junk that we need to sell.

Thursday was Thanksgiving. I made a veggie ham log. It was amazing as usual. We did a lot of running around, amys moms, then her dads, then my parents new house. Later that night keller, anessa, and beejay came over and we watched crash. I really liked it. Matt Dillon will always be a bad ass in my book.

Friday, I helped my mom and dad move stuff from my grandmas house into their new house. We also took some time a cleaned up our old house… damn is it full of junk. It will be fun to remodel and sell I think. Put my house flipping skills to the test. I would love to get into that business one day.

Saturday, was the annual IWC vegan thanksgiving feast. Keller made most of the food as usual. I cooked an un-turkey for the event (i think i like tofery a bit better though). This year the event was at the church. It was nice having a big venue to hold it in for once. I think there was about 40 of us. It was a good time for sure. A group of us played star wars monopoly. Beejay won. Afterwards Chris, Keller and Anessa came over and we watched the Warriors, another one of my favorite movies.

Sunday, Amy left to go visit a friend in Sacramento. I went into high gear and decided that I was going to get some stuff done around the house. I cleaned the house up and washed about 6 loads of laundry. I got the special tools I needed to cut and install my bathroom vanity top, so I did that. I bought a bunch of supplies to finish up some of the loose projects I have around the house. I installed base boards in the downstairs bathroom, and a new light fixture as well. Speaking of electrical work, I need to take an aside here…

I decided to change out some of the old electrical sockets in the kitchen. I turned off the breakers to the kitchen before I started working. I have a healthy respect for electricity so I wear rubber gloves when working with household electricity. Removal of the old socket went well, nothing special and nothing that I havent done at least 20 times before. When I was installing the new socket, My screw driver must have brushed up against the wires… * BANG! * I hear a big bang noise, and see a HUGE spark inches from my face. it was way big and way close to my face. I drop what I was doing and went to double check the breaker… I had the electricity turned off to the kitchen, that shouldnt of happened. Thats when i learned that the socket, and only that one socket is on its on breaker, which wasnt labeled. When I walked back inside the house, I see flames…my kitchen is now on fire. A couple of dish towels, the box the socket came in, and some loose papers are all on fire, great! I was right next to the sink, so the fire was easy to put out, but still sketchy. I looked at the wires, and they are melted! I picked up my screw driver, and it is melted! The metal shaft of the screw driver has 2 big divots taken out of it. One of them looks like a weld mark, and the other on looks like the metal just melted. do you know how hard it is to melt a hardened screw driver shaft? I am damn lucky that I was wearing those gloves, or I think that my hands would have weld marks and holes in them, and I would be on fire!

Back to Saturday… I worked my butt off. Later I went to dinner at thai house with steve and naomi before church.

Sunday, I worked my ass off again. Work was really good. I didnt have any meetings or interruptions. I was in code mode all day, and I got a bunch of stuff done. It reminded me of how I programmed when I was back in school. After work, I came home and started in on my house again. I installed the new above counter sink and faucet. I had to redo all the plumbing. After a few trips to Lowes and Home Depot., I got everything working. I hate plumbing because something always has a leak and I have to fight it for an hour to get it to stop. I installed my over the stove microwave again (it had been sitting on the floor for the last 4 months!). I also installed a new mirror, and door in the new bathroom. Then I cleaned everything up, vacuumed, and mopped the kitchen, dining room, and all 3 bathrooms. nonstop house work from 5pm to 2am.