Baby Samson!

On Saturday we picked up our newest baby, Samson, from the airport. He was scared and shaking when we picked him up, but once Amy started to hold him he came around quickly. He is a little guy, only 1.5 pounds, and 11 weeks old.

When The Moose (our other 4 lb, 9 month old Chihuahua) saw him for the first time, she flipped out Tasmanian devil style. Long story short, all of Saturday I had to hold Samson, The Moose did not like Amy holding Samson at all. I even slept on the couch with Samson, away from The Moose. Amy had to go to work at 7am on Sunday, so I let The Moose climb up on the coach with Samson and I to sleep some more. The dogs curled up together and a truce was formed as we all slept in.

The puppies played on Sunday together. The Moose is 4 times Samsons size, so she just dominates him, and doesnt stop even after he gives up. I baby sat them while Amy went Christmas shopping. That night both the dogs slept together with us, things were fine.

On Monday I went to work, and Amy stayed at home with the puppies. at 4:15pm I got a call from Amy with panic in her voice. “Samson broke his leg!”. The little guy was on the coach with Amy and The Moose. Moose jumped down off the coach, and Samson decided to follow her. I left work and hurried home.

When I got there, he was holding his front left paw up, and it was just kind of hanging there. He wasnt making any noises though. We hurried to the animal hospital only to wait for 2 hours. They took x-rays and found that he didnt break anything, just a dislocation, but they were going to set it and cast it up, and to come back in an hour. When we picked him up, I paid the rather high bill, and we took him home. The cast was really big, and I wanted to see if he could walk using it. I set him down, and all of a sudden, he starts favoring and holding up the leg thats not in the cast. Thats when I realized that THE DOCTOR PUT THE CAST ON THE WRONG LEG!!!!! now Samson couldn’t use either of his front legs! I called the hospital, and they gave me the vets cell phone. I called and explained what happened to him. Any hour later we met him back at the hospital. He took Samson, took the cast off, and put it on the proper leg. The Doc also gave me a $20 credit on our next visit… I dont know if I want to go back to him though.

Only I would get a puppy who breaks his leg in less then 72 hours of being in my possession, and only I would go to a vet that puts a cast on the wrong leg. what the hell!

Now little Samson really cant defend himself against The Moose, but they are getting a long better now. Poor baby Samson!