Jimmy Eat World

Jimmy Eat Worlds album "Clarity" came out early 1999, I was in college, I had just lost my girlfriend, most of my friends had moved away. It was a lonely time for me, but a good time. I really related to this album and played it over and over. Track 10, "For me this is heaven" was good enough for Amy and I to use it as the first dance at our wedding.

The last time I saw Jimmy Eat World play was in 2001, at the Glasshouse in Pomona Ca. It was one of those shows that you still talk about if you were lucky enough to get a ticket.

I was really excited to hear that J.E.W. was going to be playing Glasshouse again. They could sell out a stadium if they wanted to. Long story short, the show sold out in 2 minutes through ticket master, I didnt get tickets. I knew Amy wanted to go, so I bought some off of eBay.

The show was last Friday. It had been a long time since I had been to an emo/indie show, especially at glasshouse. The first thing we did was check out the merch table. There was a huge sign "CASH ONLY". This should have served as my first warning that the crowd at the show was going to be full of lames

quick side note:
shows are not concerts, concerts are not shows. Concerts have assigned seats, and you cant get near the bands. Punk bands and all the bands that play some form of derived punk music (emo/screamo/hardcore/etc.) dont play concerts, they play shows. 99% of the time there are no credit cards or ATMS at shows. Its cash and carry only. If someone says "I went to a so and so concert", you know they arnt into the scene surrounding the music.

Amy wanted a hoodie, until we saw they price was $40! shirts were $25!, and cds were $15! CDs at shows should be $10 thats they way it has been, and should be. I told the merch guy I could get the cd for cheaper then that at best buy. He didnt have an argument.

Inside the venue, we hung out… another CASH ONLY sign was by the snack bar in the back. Thee place slowly began to fill up with people, then the opening band went on, Jade Shadder. They wernt that good, but they are friends with J.E.W. so they got the show. The drummer of that band was the only redeeming thing. The guy went off, and was really fun to watch.

By the time that Jimmy took the stage, the place was packed with 1000+ people. They opened up with "For me this is heaven", Amy and I were happy. They played really well, then again, everything they touch turns to gold. The crowd was really non-responsive to the older songs, but lost their minds during the songs that got radio play. During those songs I saw some thing that should not be part of a Jimmy Eat World show, including but not limited to:

  • metal horns thrown in constently
  • moshing / kids trying to mosh
  • crowd surfing
  • constent screaming of "you fucking rock! WOOOOOO!" between each song

Jimmy played for almost 2 hours, tons of energy. It was a really good set. They are amazing musicians, and great song writers. I would gladly pay the money to see them again. They will probably never play the Glasshouse again, but I hope they do. It would be even better to see them again in a super small club (I saw them at the barn in riverside circa 98).

The show also made me realize that I just dont like seeing bands play live, but I like the atmosphere that the "scene" around a genre. Im glad to say that I got to see Jimmy Eat World before they blew up. Its not the bands fault. Im happy they are doing well for themselves.

Jimmy Eat World will always hold a special place in my heart.