The last month as Josh Highland

so I havent updated my blog in over a month; several reasons.

  1. no one reads this, so why bother updating
  2. so much has been going on, so the number of updates would be insane
  3. i havent had much "free" time to work on fun things like updating my blog

ok, so lets talk about this whirlwind that is known as my life for the last month.

Jan 22 – phoenix fest
xDEATHSTARx played phoenix fest, in phoenix AZ. We drove my dads truck. phoenix wasnt as far as tuscon, so that was good. We played second to headline, right under evergreeen terrace. It was a fun show. they covered op ivy, I was stoaked. We hung out with them afterwards. I was bummed that they wanted to go to a strip club and get drunk, all but josh, their guitar player. We stayed at jews house. Lizzy got us food.

Jan 28 – glasshouse show
We played glasshouse with bleeding through. My mom came for the first time to see us play. I was nice to have her there and finally understand what being in a band is kind of like. It was a fun show. To bad that its the last hardcore show that glasshouse will have. The sound on stage sucked ass. I guess the sound in the house was good, so thats not so bad.

The days leading up to the 19th are a blur.

Feb 19th – The wedding of Josh Highland and Amy Abernathy
On the wedding day, Keller and I drove down to newport so dylan could cut my hair. It was raining like mad. We saw 12 totaled cars on the way down there. Every few miles, cars were spun out, flipped over and just wrecked. Dylan did a rad job cutting my hair. We got to the chappel later that day and everything was good, until the sound guy couldnt be found. He showed up late, but i was to pre-occupied with everything else. The ceremony was amazing. Amy was beautiful. I wanted to cry when I saw her. I had to keep my eyes fixed on chad because I know I would lose it if I didnt. I actually dont remember much of the ceremony or reception. There was so much going on, so many people, so many things all going on at once. It was the best thing ever. I wish i could of spent an hour with every guest there. We left the reception and went to downtown disney and stayed at the california grand hotel. They had the room all decorated up for us with rose petals, and baloons. It was a nice touch to the finish of a very long day of celebration.

Feb 20/21 – The Mini Honeymoon
Despite the rain, Amy and I hung out at downtown disney and then south coast plaza, we spent most of the day shopping. Amy got a pair of seven jeans, I couldnt find any pants under $250 bucks that fit me well, and I wasnt about to pay that, so I didnt get anything. We are going to take a really nice trip in June. This was just a quick getaway.

Feb 23 morning – Dr. Church
At the Bleeding Through show, CJ from sinai beach told me I should go to see his sinus dr, dr church. So I had an Apt time with him. He stuck a camera down my throat, up my nose and in my ears. He saw some problems, gave me a bunch of meds, he might want to do some surgery, but we are going to try to some meds first. He also gave me this crazy sinus rinse that I have to use in the shower where i shoot medicated fluid up one nostral until it starts to come out my my other nostral, and mouth. It sounds gross, and it is, but it helps a bunch. Maybe this will help my singing voice.

Feb 23 afternoon – The car in the garage isnt mine
I come home to today at lunch. I live in a condo complex, and my garage faces another garage. The 80 something year old lady that has the garage across from mine forgot which one was the gas and which was the break when she was backing out of her garage. Her car slammed into my garage, taking out the door, and the wall between my neigbors and I.
In the process she severed a water main, and the whole complex had to be turned off, so im with out water for the next 24 hours until it can be fixed.
The best part is that when she took out one of the load bearing beams, and my roof which was wet and heavy, started to cave in on itself. One of the beams holding up my roof broke, so now my roof is leaning and about to fall in. A construction crew came by and put in some temp. supports, so it doesnt fall down all the way, until an insurence adjuster can look at it, and then someone can fix it. This sucks, I have the worst luck ever. Hooray to being a home owner, Boo for old ladies who shouldnt be allowed to drive anymore.

Feb 26 – Amys B-Day / Crowbar
It was Amy birthday, but she let me me go to a show anyways… It was crowbar! Freaking Crowbar!!! We had to drive all the way to the House of blues in hollywood. I drove with eric, natalee, and kevin. Some wild stuff happened in the car once we hit sunset strip, im not going to mention that stuff here, but it was amazing. It involved an old soda cup, piss, and traffic. Crowbar was amazing just watching them play, It was a sight to see. Im way stoaked to have seen them. Metal crowds suck ass.

March 5 – Goltry House Party
It was eric and joys birthday party. The plan was hatched at my wedding… a formal birthday party. Everyone in shirts and ties. Thats just what we did! 4 bands played. Aces metal band, Plague of Shoel, Plague: The Red Letters, xDEATHSTARx. It ruled because it was just our friends, and some random "hardcore" (notice the quotes, indicating how HARD they are) Kids. The randoms just stood on the side. They didnt REPRESENT their mosh crews haha. The show was really good. Afterwards one of the kids talked to me about his band. They have 4 singers also, he sumorized his band in this sentence… "xdeathstarx has influenced us alot, we have 4 singers also, people say we are trying to be like you guys, but i dont think so. We are way heavier then you, and not as old school sounding as you"…. 4 singer and youre not trying to be like us? xdeathstarx is old school hardcore? ha! Ok, so as the party wound down, They rootbeer kegs came out. I had made a rootbeer bong, and planned on using it till i puked. It took 10 rootbeer bongs to get me really puking, but once it happened it happened. I puked all over the place. It sucked ass. Im sure there is pictures floating around. Amy got upset at me, I got upset at myself for making myself look like an ass. It was cool all except for the puking, I shouldnt of done that.