My Salad Days

Yesterday I made one of the toughest decisions of my life. Its something that I never wanted to do, but I could feel it coming from day one. Those will forever be my
salad days.

Im going to remain vague until all of the details shake out, then I'll make a more detailed post. For now Im just going to post some quotes from some AFI songs.

"Six figures enter; they've come to destroy the world. They've called together this storm almost every night. I awake in another place. A familiar voice with a stranger's face speaks more unheard words. What new friends will the day bring? One for one thousand acquainted. What new home will the night bring? When it all comes down you just throw the bones. On the way I saw five hours of sleep but your fire makes it all worth while. On the way I wrote words for you to keep. On the way, I saw myself. Lost myself along the way."
"6 To 8"

"Look what I've built. It shines so beautifully!
Now watch as it destroys me."
"The leaving song part II"