Bury Your Dead DVD (05/15/2005)

I wrote this on may 15, but im just getting around to posting it

I�ve been working hard on things lately. I feel like I have so many things going on, I get one night a week to work on each one.

In the past week, I have added two new features to notpop: "notify admin" and message board spell check.

Both explain themselves, the notify admin will send me an email with information about a problem a user is experiencing, so I can fix the situation.

The spell check is really cool. I have wanted A spell check feature for years on notPop. I stumbled across a javascript/php/linux application that would allow me to do finally have one. It uses php to power a linux binary called "aspell", the javascript will replace the misspelled word. It works really good.

Last night I went to the bury your dead DVD video shoot at chain reaction. I pushed my way to the very front of the crowd. During the first song, big Eric threw his guitar and accidentally smashed Matt in the head. There was blood everywhere. I got a bunch of blood on me. For the last few songs, I did some stage dives. The show was super fun. I�m all beat up today though. I have bruises all over me from being pushed by the crowd, and having kids headwalk/stagedive on me. It�s all in good fun though. I�m glad I went. I think the DVD will be pretty good.

I�ve also been working a bunch on my house. It�s really coming together. I think I�m almost done with all of the dry wall work. That means that I can get it all textured, and then I can paint, and then get the flooring put in! Before I do that, I need to put my master bathroom all together. It�s still all ripped a part.

I like working on my house so much, that I want to buy another house, an old beater, fix her up and either rent it or sell it off. I think it would be way fun, and a good way to make some money. I could also employ some of my friends to do some of the labor for me, giving them a job, and also helping me out. It�s a win win situation! Anyone have a beat up house they want to sell for cheap?