Revver vs. YouTube

I like YouTube a lot. Recently I have started to record bands at shows and posting them on My plan was to build a collection of videos that I dont have to host, and can eventually incorporate into as content.

I listen to a lot of podcasts, and I read a lot of blogs. I came across a Chris Parillo posting about, so I checked it out. is a site like, you upload your videos and they host them, but with a twist… revver pays you! Cash, clams, scrills, monies, dollars… anyway you want to call it, it boils down to a bigger bank account for you!

You get paid when someone watches your video to the end, and then clicks on the advertisement that gets displayed when the clip finishes.

Sure revver isnt as big as youTube… yet, and not everyone is going to click the advertisements, but if you are going to upload videos to a website, why not get paid for it?

I support over Competition is good for us all.