Super Mario Bros. Mosh

My friend “Florida” came up with an awesome idea for haloween, Super Mario Bros.! sure we arnt the first ones to ever do it but it would be a cheap costume and fun to wear.

We got the overalls the shirts, some hats, gloves, mustaches, and paint. The hardest part was painting the hats, but even that wasnt to hard to pull off.

What would Halloween be without a hardcore Halloween show? We went as the Super Mario Bros. to see our friends bands play, Blood stands still, hammerfist, I am Strong, Impending doom, Sleeping Giant, and xDEATHSTARx.

The show was awesome. We had a great time as the Mario Brothers…

Being Mario was by far the funnest Halloween costume I have ever had in my life. I cant wait for the Nintendo WII!

UPDATED (11/03/08):



Making better mp3 files with iTunes

I am an mp3 snob, and I am not ashamed to say it.

I ripped my first mp3 file in 1994. I ripped them at 128 kbps, with no ID3 tag information. I did this with most of my cds

and any other cd I could get a hold of for years. Back then that was the way to go. Most people didnt have computers, forget

about portable mp3 players.

Flash forward to today. If someone hasnt heard the term "mp3" or "iPod" yet, they have been living under a rock, or in a time

warp. There isnt a person that I know who doesnt have some music on their computer in some format.

When it comes to music player, the iPod wins, hands down (at least until the zune comes out… hey, im hopeful for it).

iTunes is the defacto standard for loading up your ipod with music. Most people drop in a cd and import (rip) it without

thinking. All they know is that they now have the music on their computer and iPod, to most people its all just computer

voodoo magic.

Default settings on most things SUCK, including iTunes.
Lets look at the default settings of the itune cd import.
first off, iTunes doesnt defaulty rip cds into mp3 files. It uses an apple specific AAC format.

Why AAC files sucks:

  1. non Standard format, very few players and devices support it (mostly apple only)
  2. DRM : digital rights managements. In english, rules they say how you can and cant use that file
  3. Most of the time they are very lossy and sound horrible (high quality is 128kbps)

Why MP3 files rule:

  1. Standard format that almost any audio device can read, from computers to car stereos
  2. NO DRM : no one can tell you what to do with them once its in MP3 format, you are home free
  3. Capabable of producing very high quality sound

Terminology: BitRate
In a nutshell, the amount of data that is pushed out over an period of time. The more data being pushed, the more detail the

audio file can hold. The more detail, the better the sound.

Common Bitrates and their real life equivalents

32 kbps am radio
96 kbps fm radio
128 kbps very low cd quality
160 kbps low cd quality
192 kbps near cd quality
256 kbps high cd quality
320 kbps very high cd quality

looking at the list above, how would you want your cds transferred to your computer? Most software defaults to 128 kbps.

Personally I can tell you if a file is anything less then 192 kbps from listening to it. Im of the school of thought that if

I am go to take the tile to convert my cds into digital formats to listen to them, they should sound reasonably good. For me

reasonable is anything 192 kbps and higher.

With higher bit rates comes higher disk space usage though. In the space you can store 10 songs at 128 kbps, you might be

able to store 5 – 7 songs at 192 kpbs. personally I would rather 1000 songs that sounds awesome on my mp3 player then 1500

that just sound ok. A great combination of size and quality is VBR (variable bit rate) encoded MP3 files.

Basically when there is a part of a song, like a half second pause, you dont need that at super high quality, so if the blank

part of the song has a bit rate of 128 kbps, who cares, When there is a lot of detail to the music, the MP3 file is encoded

at a high rate, like 256 kbps. The net result is a song that changes rates hundreds if not thousands of times, ending up with

a song that sounds great and takes up a reasonable amount of space. Any person who is serious about their music should rip

High quality VBR MP3 files. end of story.

Below is how to make iTunes record High quality VBR MP3 files

  1. In iTunes, go to "edit->preferences" on the tool bar

  2. go to the advanced tab and select "importing", we want to change these settings, the default ones suck

  3. Select the MP3 encoder for importing, then pick the Custom setting

  4. You should get a pop up window what lets you adjust settings, select 192 knps as the bit rate, check use VBR, and set that to


  5. I like to keep my mp3 files away from my other documents, so I changed where the library is. I also like to have iTunes

    organize the folders. iTunes will create a directories in the following manor. ArtistName/AlbumName/trackNumber trackname.mp3

Multiple Libraries in iTunes 7

Yesterday I got a phone call from my friend Jeff. He had recently bought a video ipod for himself and some nanos for his daughters.

His question to me was how to keep his music seperate from their music, basically meaning seperate libraries. At first I told him that I didnt think it was possible, but I would look into it.

A few google searches later I had the answer. In iTunes 7 it is possible to have seperate libarys. To create and switch libraries, you have to hold down the shift key and then open itunes. Instead if it launching, it will present you with some options.

Now when My friend want his music, he just has to open his library, His daughters will do the same thing, but only have access to their library.

Its a cool feature, but a freaking stupid way to access it. Way to go apple I thought you cared about usability. There is nothing usable about having to hold down a special key when opening and application so you can access a new library.

metal putting me to sleep?

I have been listening to a lot of metal at work lately.
I dont know if its a coincidence, but I have been extremely tired at work. Its like my brain is worn out. When I take off my headphones and dont listen to anything I start to feel more alert.

A while back I remember Derek telling me that he listens to death metal before he goes to be because it puts him to sleep,

I think that he might be right on that one. There is so much going on in most metal songs, your brain takes it all in and tried to analyze every note flying into your ears. As a result, you get mentally worn on. I dont really know if thats the cause of me being so tired, but I have been beat lately.

music does sooth the savage beast!