iPhone + AIM + push notification = Happy Josh Highland


I got my real start in programming making “progies”, back when MaGuS and fungii ruled the scene (only a fist full of people will know who I am talking about), circa 1995. I have and always will have a soft spot in my heart for AOL instant messaging. I don’t use the AOL service anymore, but I still have a bunch of friends that use AIM (AOL Instant Messenger). AIM is one of the biggest things that I missed when I got rid of my T-mobile Sidekick and went to an iPhone. Sure iPhone had an aim app, but it was garbage. It would sign you off line the second that you closed the screen or got a call or SMS message. Complete garbage.

Just moments ago, the iPhone AIM app with push notification launched. With the release of the iPhone 3.0 software it is now possible to stay connected to services like AIM and get notified when you have a new message with hout having to have the app always running. It works in a similar manner to SMS message. It’s called “push service” because the notifications get pushed to your device, instead of your device polling the server on a timed interval.

With that said, I have decided to retire my 15 year old AOL screen name and create a more fitting one. You can reach me on AIM at “xJOSHHIGHLANDx“. Let’s party like it’s 1995!

My Brute on iPhone

Lately I have been consumed by an iPhone game called “My Brute”. My Brute is an RPG fighting game based on the popular MyBrute.com. It works like this, You create a character, pick their body, their clothes, their hair and skin color. You pick an animal to represent your dojo (snake, fox or bear… I’m the bear of course). Once you have this all set up, you enter the arena, pick a person to fight and then WATCH your character fight for experience points, bonus weapons and award, and honor. Notice I said WATCH and not control. You have NO control over the actions of your brute. It basically turns into a spectator sport where you cheer your character on and hope he kicks the crap out of the other guy. It also adds stress when you only can fight 5 times in a 24 hour period, very stressful.

I am completely hooked on this game. On top of trying to make my brute the best he can be, you can recruit people to join your dojo. To join my dojo, enter in the following secret code when you are asked: HGHHFHFE

I think this game is worth the $4 I spent on it. My Brute is awesome to watch, and it totally draws you in despite the fact that you don’t control the action.

Check out the screen shots below





My Dojos code is HGHHFHFE, join me and together we will crush the competition!

Controlling Twitter SMS notifications through code

twitter sms

It’s not secret my current favorite tech toys are my iPhone and Twitter.

I follow several hundred people of interest, and regularly use TwitterFon Pro, TweetDeck and Twitter.com to keep up with them all. For an elite group of people I follow on twitter I choose to have their updates pushed to me via SMS (text message) to my phone.

Sometimes I’m in area where I dont have reliable service to my phone (most of the meeting rooms at my work for some reason), and Twitter will try to send me an SMS message telling me that one of my good friends just made a tweet. If Twitter cant deliver that tweet for some reason, like the phone doesnt have service, Twitter simply stops sending message to your phone. There has been many times where i have thought to myself “damn Twitter is quiet today”, then I log onto Twitter.com and see a “is you device have trouble?” error. If i don’t go check the website, I have no idea that Twitter turned off SMS updates to my phone. Twitter is cool but they aren’t cool enough to send you an email saying “Hey your phone is screwed up, we are going to stop sending you SMS message until you fix it”. Atleast then the poor bastards like me who are addicted to twitter would know what we have to do.

Because I am such a Twitter addict, I have come up with a plan to end my frustrations with this problem. The solution? Use some evil “robots” to do my bidding. I have blogged about them before, I am talking about Cron and Curl. okokok, so they aren’t evil robots they are software running on my computer.

Twitter has an awesome API (Application Programming Interface) that allows you to do all sorts of sweet things using REST based http requests, including turning on and off SMS notifications to your phone.

cURL is an application that allows you to connect to web addresses from a command line.

cron is an application that allows you run application at scheduled intervals.

Can you guess where this is all going? Here is mathematical representation for you
((Twitter API + cURL) * cron(30 minutes)) = Happy Josh Highland

I have cron run the following command every 30 minutes (replace username and password with your own of course)

/usr/bin/curl -u user:password -d device=sms http://twitter.com/account/update_delivery_device.xml

I will never need to log onto twitter to turn on my SMS notifications ever again. In the event that Twitter disables notifications to my phone, every 30 minutes my evil robots enable MS messages to my phone. At most I will have 30 minutes of down time. I can live with that.

This is a perfect example of what one of my Computer Science professors told me… “If you have to do it more then 2 times write a script to do it for you”.

Info on the new iPhone has leaked


I have been keeping my ears open for rumors about the new iPhone. Earlier this week, the above image was leaked onto a mac rumors website from a chinese source.

The image above shows a new iPhone model number “MB717LL” with 32GB of Storage. If the poster’s claims are to be believed, the new iPhone will contain the following features:

  • 600MHz CPU Speed (up from 400MHz)
  • 256MB RAM (up from 128MB)
  • Digital Compass and FM
  • 3.2 megapixel camera with auto focus
  • 32GB size
  • No major changes in battery, screen and external casing.

There is no way of telling if this information is correct, but the leaked photos and  information on the unibody MacBook and MacBook Pro also came from the same Chinese website, to they have some merit in my mind.

It’s no suprise that the screen and the physical shape of the device hasnt changed, if it did, us iPhone application developers would be screwed. I think its going to be nice to have a better camera and an FM tuner.

If this is all true, its not a major leap ahead, but I will still be inline to get one. I am guessing that the device will be announced and possibly released at the WWDC (Apple Worldwide Developers Conference) in June.

How the notPopular.com podcast is made


Some of you blog reading people might know that I have a fairly well known podcast called the “notPop podcast”, that centers around music news and the activities of my site, notPopular.com. for almost 2 years now @xFLORIDAx and I have been churning these podcasts out and having a lot of fun doing it.

From time to time I get people emailing me asking how we record and put the podcast out onto the web. I’m going to be honest, it wasn’t easy to figure out, but we made it through. I’m going to tell you how we record our podcast, so that it might help you figure out how to do yours.

If you are un-familiar with my podcast, There is a minimum of 2 mics, but up to 8. We also play music and take listener calls.

The notPop podcast format is as follows:

  • intro music
  • welcome / introduction / catch up
  • featured band
  • news stories
  • throwback band
  • feedback from callers
  • ending statements
  • outro music
  • outro bonus clip

That might look like a lot of stuff to take on if you are un-familiar with recording audio on a computer. Don’t worry, I will walk you through it. (Disclaimer: I use Windows Vista for podcasting, but this will also work on Windows XP)

First off since we do have so many mics running at once, we need to capture all that audio at once. One solution is to just have one mic that everyone talks into. You can do that if you want your podcast to sound like crap. I don’t suggest it. Another way is to use a sound mixer board, and professional mics. That’s pricey and requires a lot of know how and fancy audio cards installed in your computer. I don’t suggest this method either. The best way I have found to get multiple mics working at the same time is USB headsets.

USB headsets are cheap and offer great sound quality. The real advantage is that each USB headset will act as their own sound input to the system so you have will have sound control over each device. I personally like to use the “Logitech Premium USB Headset 350”, you can get them cheap online, about $25 each.


Once you have them hooked up, windows will see them. Go to the control panel and go to recording devices. I like to set each mic to 30%. I have found that this is the best setting to prevent clipping. Clipping happens when a sound input is higher then can be recorded. when clipping occures, you lose out on the data trying to be recorded and you end up sounding like crap.

For recording software, I use Adobe Audition. It’s super powerful. Inside the application, you will see multiple time lines. I assign each time line to a input (remember that each USB mic is its own input!). I leave an open time line for sound clips and songs. Arm the tracks to record, press the record button and start talking into the mics. You should see the sound coming in.


Once in a while we press the stop button and drag in an mp3 or wav file to be played. Once its in place, we set the timeline right after the clip and start recording again. We do this for the intro and exit music, along with the songs and listener calls we take.

For listener calls, I use skype with the skypeIn option. With sypeIn you get a phone number and a voicemail box. By default, you cant save the voicemails that people leave you in skype. I use a software package called PrettyMay to save the voice mails and calls as mp3 files. I use the PrettyMay Call Recorder for Skype, it costs $24 for a license with free upgrades for lifetime. After I save all the calls to mp3s, I can drag them into the time line in Adobe Audition, just like the songs we play.

Once all the audio is finished and complete in Adobe Audition, I export the raw WAV file by going to file->export audio. The export takes a while to complete.

After the WAV is exported, I import it into Audacity, and export it out as a 128kbps mp3 file. You need the LAME MP3 Encoder to export mp3s from audacity


Once you have the mp3 exported, listen to it (or atleast spot check it)! You want to make sure your rad new podcast sounds good. This is the final product, the rest of the post will be on how to deliver it to the listeners.

A podcast is simple an entry in an RSS feed with a media file enclosures. I’m not going to go into details on how to do this, but Apple has a great page on how to get your podcast into iTunes.

notPopular.com is powered by WordPress and I use a wordpress plugin called BlubrryPowerPress to syndicate the podcast to the site and to iTunes.


That’s basically it! I love podcasting and have been doing it for several years now. If you have some questions, leave them in the comments below..