An Eventful Weekend

Jason Keller left for PA on Thursday, Amy left for Bakersfield, D-Bo was back in town. I love hanging out with D-Bo. I love that Bleeding Through is doing so good, but I don�t like the fact that I only get to see Derek a few times a year.

Friday D-Bo and I went to glasshouse to flyer the Sinai beach Throwdown show. Sinai came out in x-mas gear. CJ was an elf, mike d was Santa, and everyone else was reindeer, and yes they threw out presents. During Throwdown there was a gnarly fight. 4-5 guys destroyed this kid. He was on the ground rolled up in a ball, and then someone grabbed a fire extinguisher and started to bash his face in with it. That kid was done. I felt bad for him. There were several fights during Throwdow, which bummed me out, but I love seeing Throwdown, so it kind of leveled everything out for me. I handed out an ass load of flyers, about 700 or so. I hope my wedding show goes well.

Friday I drove to Bakersfield and back. I had my war driving rig (net stumbler) in full effect for the drive there and back. I was surprised how many AP�s you can find just by driving on the freeway. Pasadena is a gold mine. The wedding was cool. I didn�t know anyone there, besides Amy, but she was in the wedding party, so I had to chill by myself all night. The drive home went fast though, and that�s a good thing. I ended up chilling out with Eric and D-Bo.

Yenny�s Christmas sweater party was awesome. Tons of people showed up at Yenny�s house. I would imagine it was close to 50 people or so. The night was mellow, hanging out with friends, telling stories, and eating tons of food all while wearing outrageous Christmas sweaters. Once the white elephant gift exchange started up, things started to get wild. Some of the best presents of the night included a broken TV, a trapper keeper, a box bullets, a penis shaped lufa, and a pair of old speedo's stuffed with hot dogs. There were close to 40 presents in all. It was a good time to be had by all. I love my friends.