Trying to photoBlog from my iPhone


I like my iPhone, and I like Flickr, I also like to blog and photoBlog.

The iPhone has a really good camera and a constant internet connection and real web browser. It sounds like the ultimate photo Blogging tool, right?


  1. There is not file access to iPhones pictures through the web browser, so forget uploading pictures directly to Flickr
  2. It’s possible to email pictures to Flickr, but AT&T has a hidden back door charge of $0.50 for ever picture emailed via the iPhone, so uploading 20 pictures would cost me $10 extra! forget that!

I modified my iPhone a while back, and there are two applications currently that get around both of these problems, iFlickr and Pushr

iFlickr sucks because you have to take the picture using their application, and you cant upload any existing pictures on your IPhone.

Pushr is closer to what I want. You take pictures with the default camera application, then fire up Pushr. Pushr will push ALL the pictures you have on your phone to Flickr. This sounds good in theory, but what if you don’t want to push all your pictures to Flickr? You have the option to de-select the pictures you don’t want to send. So if you have 100 pictures, and you only want to upload one, you will have to de-select the 99 you don’t want to send. The whole de-select process seems counter intuitive. I think you should be able to select the pictures you want to send and just push those.

Because of the current limitations of both iPhone Flickr related apps, I am with out a good way to send my pics to Flickr.

I decided to send an email to Chris Lee the creator of Pushr and ask for a change in the software…

Josh Highland to Chris Lee:
Is there a way to make Pushr work in such a way that a user selects what pictures they want to send to flickr, rather then picking the photos they dont want to send?

example : I have 100 photos on my iphone, and i only want to send one of them to flickr. I would liek to select that one photo to send, instead of removing the 99 photos to not send

Chris Lee to Josh Highland
Hi Josh,
Currently, there is no way to do that. However, it’s a feature request
I’ve gotten, so I may add a preference for it in a future version.
Thanks for using Pushr!

So at least a change like that is on the radar of the developer of Pushr. I hope it gets implemented soon. Until then I’m stuck having to wait until I get to a computer to upload all my cool pics to my photo blog.

If you know of a good solution to my iPhone + Flickr problem, please let me know!