Holidays According to Josh Highland


Christmas time is always a weird time, but its a good time. Moving into this house really made Christmas seem different. There wasn’t and decorations except for a digital led Christmas tree in the corner that my mom gave me. Amy and I decided to take it easy since we have the house to finish working on, and the wedding and honeymoon to pay for. She gave me a new wallet, a book on the history of Redlands (its freaking awesome), a new belt, and a bunch of Swedish fish. I got her a bunch of gift cards for places that she likes and new guitar tuner. It was a good day with a lot of running around, houses and families to visit.

The day after Christmas, Amy and I met for lunch with Chad and Marie. They rule so much. Chad is going to marry Amy and I, so we are doing to basic pre-marital counseling type stuff with them. I personally have learned a lot about myself and how my relationship with Amy is, and how it should be, and what my role in a marriage is. Amy and I have also been able to talk about some things that we never really talked about before also.

New Years Eve

New Years eve we had a party at Misha's house. It was a good time, just a bunch of friends hanging out, playing dice on the kitchen floor, drinking root beer listening to hip-hop and telling stories… basically a typical IWC get together.

New Years Day

Holy crap! I woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach at 7am. I staggered to the bathroom and threw up in the sink; I didn�t make it to the toilet. I felt a bit better, and went back to bed. At 10am I woke up again and had to go to the bathroom. I was still feeling a bit off, but what�s unusual about that, I�m always sick (no not 'sick' like dirt bikes either). I jumped into the shower to start my day. A few minutes later, I�m braced up against the wall of the shower leaning offer, barfing my brains out. It was to the point that every time I took in a breath, it turned into my stomach wrenching and me puking. After this happened until there was nothing left and I was throwing up bitter tasting acid and bile, every thing started to fade to black, and I got light headed, so I sat down in the shower….then I passed out. I don�t know how long I was out, but when I came to, I had another weird feeling in my stomach. I hopped out of the shower and staggered to the toilet. I then began experiencing the same thing I had in the shower, but this time with my butt. A few moments into that, I had to puke again, so I dumped out the trash can to have something to puke into. Here I am, my first real moments of 2005, throwing up at both ends at the same time. What a good way to start the New Year. The rest of the day consisted of me sleeping in bed, getting up only to either crap my brains out, or barf my brains out. I wanted to die. I hate being sick.
It had to be food poisoning because Jason�s girlfriend had the same thing going on.

On Sunday I was feeling well enough for band practice. I love to sing. We hadn�t had practice for the singers in 3 weeks so I wasn�t going to miss it, even if i was sick. Practice went good, despite the fact that I had to go outside to puke once. After practice was over, I was done. I wanted to go to church, but I was feeling like crap. I just stayed at home and slept.