Today I ran into a situation where I had forgotten the password to my development instance of phpBB 3. I was stuck in a situation were I needed to reset the password. I had full admin access to the database, so changing it there wouldn’t be the problem. The real problem is that phpBB uses its own password hashing, not MD5.
In a work around, I created a new user and used the password “123456” looking at the database , in the users table of the phpBB install. I saw the “user_password” field was “e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e”.
I then changed my admin accounts user to the same string, “e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e”.
I went to the phpBB login screen, fillled out my username, and entered the password “123456”… BINGO! it worked.
So to save you the work. You can follow what I did or just use these hashes to reset your own password:
Hash: e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e
Password: 123456
Hash: $H$9Ae3Uk.ECdWW5ya13M4ErWhr4c.761/
Password: password
I hope this helps someone else out there.